Solar power could be the green energy solution for Congo.
Farming in the digital age
14 December 2020

The Loudima family in Congo have long been without electricity but they have found an environmental solution: solar power.
In the remote districts of Pointe Noire, the Congolese start-up Hélios Électricité has installed a solar power plant.
"I am very happy to have the solar panels, I installed 10 solar panels, It powers my 52-inch plasma television, two freezers, and even a two-horsepower air conditioner," the father of the family told Africanews.
According to the World Bank, nearly half of the Congolese population does not have access to electricity.

Cheaper bills and a greener future

Congo is one of the top five oil producers in Sub-Saharan Africa.
But despite its rich energy resources, the electrification rate is low, especially in rural areas, mainly because of a lack of electricity infrastructure.
But solar power could be the future as it is also said to be cheaper for households.
"What we did for our client, Mr. Loudima, is a solar power plant of the 3000-megawatt peak which is composed of 10 solar modules of 300 watts each and a 3 KVA inverter, this system falls within the scope of what we want to do for our customers, namely to provide them with autonomy in electricity," said Laslande Moutoundou; Head of Study and Development Helios Electricity.
In addition to being a decarbonized energy solution transmitted directly by the sun, it is also said to be cheaper.
"With a solar installation you will save more money, compared to for example a generator or compared to an electricity bill," said Melki Valenti Tchicaya, an installation and maintenance manager at Helios Electricity.
"You are self-sufficient, which means you don't need to pay any charges for a monthly electric bill, and maintenance is cheaper.
"The advantage of a solar installation is that the source is renewable energy and that will allow you to always be provided with electricity because there is no blackout. "
Solar power could be the miracle solution to trigger the energy transition, pumping freshwater, and supplying low-income households with basic needs.
But the panels cost a small fortune, ranging between 500 and 6,000 euros.

Source: Africanews

For the 12 million young people entering into the workforce in Africa each year, this could all help make farming and food production much more appealing.

For starters, new and emerging technology means that agriculture does not have to involve the backbreaking labour endured by previous generations. Digital tools are helping to automate and streamline the more labour-intensive aspects of farming, making it more efficient and therefore, attractive – and viable – as a livelihood.

With the support of digital tools, "precision agriculture" can become efficient, allowing farmers to plant and cultivate their crops with greater accuracy. This means less time, effort and inputs are wasted, and as a result, the economic appeal of agriculture is clearer.

Second, and with Africa facing a serious shortage of jobs for the increasingly young population, agriculture can provide opportunities lacking in rapidly urbanised areas.

More than 70 per cent of registered digital users in Africa, for instance, are between 15 to 35 years old. By coupling this digital savviness with rural opportunities, young people can have an exciting and prosperous future.

Finally, these young people will no doubt be attracted to the new entrepreneurial possibilities and employment opportunities that digitalisation brings, not just in food production but across the entire agricultural value chain.

These opportunities range from designing new platforms or software to making use of technology and creating access to new markets using blockchain.

One such example is the EzyAgric solution based in Uganda. The platform provides access to finance and markets for farmers and agribusinesses through a network of youth agents equipped with smartphones and other digital technology. It creates an employment opportunity for Uganda's youth, at one end, and helps farmers improve yields and market access at the other.

Likewise, Wennovation Hub, or 'WeHub', is a Nigerian innovation platform that fosters innovation among Africa's young entrepreneurs. It encourages them to tackle economic or social challenges head-on, through creating start-ups grounded in local problems and solutions.

And Afrimash, a digital marketplace, is one of these innovations. It provides a market for farmers to easily sell or buy their livestock, tools and other quality inputs ranging from pesticides to fertilisers.

It is no wonder then, that development funding from across the world, from both private and public sector players, is already directed at supporting Africa's youth entrepreneurship – much of it within the agricultural space.

But digitalisation for agriculture is not a silver bullet, and as we have seen, enabling policies, infrastructural investments and trained manpower will be essential to reach its potential.

This is why it is encouraging to see such an important event as the African Green Revolution Forum focusing on the digital innovations that can attract more young people into agriculture.

Youth may be the future, but they too need feeding. By combining next-generation technologies with the next generation, we can work towards a more food secure and environmentally sustainable future for everyone.